Jumat, 26 September 2008

Character Animation

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Character Animation

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejBc8ZvnvXQ

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Character Animation

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Character Animation

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zaa5FP6-vzE

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Character Animation

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Character Animation

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMVdD9gdiVY

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Kamis, 25 September 2008

Seminar Visual Effects, Blitz Megaplex, Grand Indonesia, 22 September 2008

SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 presents
Craig “Xray” Halperin.
Seminar Visual Effects, Blitz Megaplex, Grand Indonesia
22 September 2008, pkl. 14.00-16.00

Siggraph Asia dan Digital Studio College dengan bangga menghadirkan
kepada anda sebuah kesempatan mengenal lebih dekat dengan Craig
" Xray" Halperin.

Craig 'X-Ray' Halperin adalah seorang artis Visual Effects yang
berkarir di film, advertising, entertainment, video games dan
multimedia interaktif.

Acara diawali dengan sesi Interview dengan Metro TV dan QTV.
Dalam kesempatan ini Mr. Craig Halperin diinterview oleh
Bpk. Andi S. Boediman.

Setelah sesi interview selesai, acara dilanjutkan dengan
presentasi seminar oleh Craig Halperin di ruang Auditorium 10.
Peserta seminar yang ikut dalam acara ini sangat antusias,
terbukti dengan penuh terisinya 241 kursi yang ada
di Blitz Megaplex.

Profile peserta seminar cukup beragam, dari umum,
mahasiswa, pelajar, praktisi dunia animasi dan perusahaan industri animasi.
Acara dimulai dengan sambutan dari Bpk. Andi S. Boediman
(Direktur Digital Studio) dan Paula Yahya - Sr. Trade Fairs Executive
dari Perkumpulan Ekonomi Indonesia - Jerman (EKONID) Kölnmesse.
Deswara Aulia (Senior Producer di Infinite Frameworks, Batam) menjadi
moderator dalam acara ini.

Topik-topik yang dibahas adalah:
Latar belakang :
- Inspirasi
- Kronologi

Prosedural pendekatan untuk FX animasi :
- Ledakan laser optik Cyclops, X-Men 2
- Meteor-meteor di Armageddon
- Iklan Cadillac Turbulence

Komposisi untuk visual effects :
- Red Corner- membangun kembali lokasi-lokasi di China
- What Dreams May Come- Efek blur pada orang

Tiga teknik untuk animasi kerumunan :
- Sistem Sprite-based sepuntuk erti digunakan pada Titanic
- Dreamworks Mob Sistem digunakan pada Bee Movie dan Kung-Fu Panda
- Software Massive crowd animation

Craig juga akan membahas mengenai pembuatan proses pengambilan gambar
yang digunakan oleh ImageMovers Digital untuk film animasi Disney yang akan
datang A Christmas Carol, yang disutradarai oleh Robert Zemeckis.

Acara ini diliput oleh QTV dan bekerjasama dengan Cams Studio.

Berikut ini adalah dokumentasi video acara Seminar Craig Halperin by Q-TV.

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NszNddLHhMs

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Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008

Motion Graphic Digital Studio College

Motion Graphic Digital Studio College dibuat oleh Rama

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5XGOHjTBso

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Dokumentasi Video 1001 IDF, 17-24 Juli 2008

Digital Studio bersama Concept mengadakan kembali event 1001 Design Festival di Senayan City sebagai kelanjutan dari 1001 Design Festival 2007.

Rangkaian acara 1001 Inspiration Design Festival 2008 terdiri dari Exhibition (Atrium, Senayan City), Workshop animasi dan komik (Digital Studio College) dan Seminar Professional (Blitz Megaplex,Grand Indonesia)

Bertempat di Atrium, Senayan City, Exhibition 1001 Inspiration Design Festival ini digelar. Menampilkan 1001 Character Smile, 1001 Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpajO0H4gz4

Dokumentasi Video 1001 Senayan City dan Seminar 1001 by QTV

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb97M8GV1Ow

Dokumentasi Video Workshop 1001 by QTV

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Sabtu, 05 Juli 2008

Dokumentasi Video 1001 Inspiration (17-24 April 2007)

Dokumentasi Video 1001 Inspiration Design Festival, Senayan City (17-24 April 2007).
Acara terdiri dari Exhibition dan Seminar Professional.

Nantikan kami di 1001 Inspiration Design Festival 2008 (17-24 Juli 2008).
Acara terdiri dari Exhibition (Senayan City), Seminar (Blitz Megaplez) dan Workshop (Digital Studio College).

Digital Studio
Tel. +62 21-2701518


Telepon : +62 21 831 7106
Fax : +62 21 830 3059
Email : concept@indosat.net.id

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCYg0FQqYsM

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Rabu, 18 Juni 2008

Colorful Inspiration Seminar at BLitzmegaplex, 23 July 2008

Inspiring International Speakers

09.00 AM - 16.00 PM

Warna dapat mengubah rasa, mempengaruhi cara pandang kita, akan ruang dan makna, juga membangun suasana untuk semua orang. Warna adalah cara yang paling cepat dan paling kuat untuk menghadirkan emosi.

Warna begitu menjadi inspirasi dalam sebuah karya atau desain, dan salah satu penentu yang menjadikan suatu karya atau desain tersebut dapat dinikmati dalam keindahan secara keseluruhan. Komposisi warna dan bagaimana warna mempengaruhi suatu karya menjadi bahasan menarik, dikemas dalam Fire-Up Your Colorful Inspiration mampu mengumpulkan Anuchai Secharunputong (The Best Commercial Photographer), Steven Read (Former CG Supervisor Happy Feet , Brother's Grimm & Sing To The Dawn), Chris Lie (World Class Comic Artist ), Andi S. Boediman (Creative Industry Evangelist) dan Deswara Aulia (Production Coordinator at Infinite Frameworks).

Event yang akan digelar merupakan bagian dari acara:
1001 Inspiration Design Festival 2008
17 - 24 Juli 2008

Speakers :

Chris Lie - Comic Artist kelas Dunia melalui topik Revolutions in Comics akan membahas bagaimana suatu karya visual berpengaruh dalam sebuah produksi film. Klien International yang sedang digarap antara lain : AXN, Cartoon Network Asia, Burger King, MTV Asia dan berbagai project lainnya.

Anunchai Secharunputong - The Best Commercial Photographer, sebagai photographer terbaik dunia versi majalah Archive. Pemenang award CLIO dibidang fotografi telah menjadikannya sebagai 200 best Ad photographers Woldwide Book 2004-2007. (www.luerzersarchive.com). Didalam The True Color of Creativity, ia akan menceritakan tentang rahasia komposisi warna dalam dunia fotografi.

Andi S. Boediman - Digital Studio, saat ini menjadi seorang creative industry evangelist. Melalui topik The Power of Color in Visual Design, ia akan memberikan tips dan teknik dalam pengaturan warna serta bagaimana sebuah warna dapat mempengaruhi emosi di dalam desain.

Steven Read - Former CG Supervisor of Happy Feet & Brother's Grimm, saat ini memegang peranan yang sama untuk film animasi 3D Sing To The Dawn yang merupakan film kolaborasi antara Singapura dan Indonesia. Dengan topik The Making of Sing to the Dawn akan dibahas mengenai proses pembuatan film Animasi Sing to the Dawn dari sisi desain visual dan desain produksi.


Creative seminar ini akan menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi para pekerja kreatif dan sesuai untuk:

Para pekerja kreatif yang terlibat langsung di dalam proses kreatif warna, komposisi dan implementasi, mulai dari industri fotografi, komik, desain, multimedia, dan animasi.
Para akademisi akan mendapatkan wawasan mengenai warna dan aplikasinya.
Bagi mahasiswa akan mendapatkan pengalaman yang sangat menarik.



Tiket :

Early bird / Mahasiswa
[sebelum 30 Juni] : Rp. 350.000

Harga Normal
[setelah 30 Juni] : Rp. 500.000

Harga termasuk makalah, sertifikat dan snack

Registrasi & Informasi

021-270 1518
021-270 2738-39
Elly - elly@digitalstudio.co.id
Denny - denugraha@digitalstudio.co.id

021 - 633 0950
021 - 631 1246

021- 4584 1018
021- 7078 7107

021- 8317106

Website: www.digitalstudiocollege.com

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Senin, 16 Juni 2008

Visual Effects - Video Clip

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Visual Effects.
Title : Video Clip

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXvfgtspfDY

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Visual Effects - Time Machine

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Visual Effects.
Title : Time Machine

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3H5ulXPFpg

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Kamis, 15 Mei 2008

Animation - Traning day

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Animation - Superhero
Title : Traning day

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAsh_pvCIVw

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Rabu, 14 Mei 2008

Animation - Training Day

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Animation - Superhero
Title : Training Day

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpaggHDpY-8

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Animation - Songokong

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Animation - Superhero
Title : Songokong

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTWlnx5FVDk

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Animation - Jangan Ganggu

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Animation - Superhero
Title : Jangan Ganggu

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9aGX-gKQ-k

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Animation - The Hulk

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Animation - Superhero.
Title : The Hulk

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMJNK8tbNKE

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Animation - Star War

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Animation - Superhero.
Title : Star War

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLYKqTK-oM8

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Animation - Cabe Rawit

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Animation - Superhero
Title : Cabe Rawit

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE0UIBVnNBY

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Jumat, 02 Mei 2008

Liputan Video - Digital Studio Fair "CRE8IVE FORCE", Plaza eX, 25-27 April 2008





(design, animation & filmmaking)

Plaza eX, 25-27 April 2008

Bagi Teman-teman yang tidak sempat hadir pada saat Acara Digital Studio Fair "CRE8IVE FORCE", jangan kecewa dahulu, karena kami membuat liputan video acara tersebut, special untuk anda semua :)

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZL_TGZ4POk

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Showreel Digital Filmmaking - Angkatan 8

Mahasiswa Digital Filmmaking Angkatan 8 juga tidak mau ketinggalan membuat showreel digital filmmaking, Mau tahu lebih jauh?

Silahkan lihat showreelnya dibawah ini:

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qR4vFThMTVM

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Showreel Digital Animation - Angkatan 8

Mau lihat seperti apa showreel Digital Animation yang dibuat oleh Mahasiswa Digital Studio College, Angkatan 8?
Silahkan lihat showreelnya dibawah ini:

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxxGVXb-rYU

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Showreel Digital Design - Angkatan 8

Penasaran dengan Showreel Digital Design yang dibuat oleh Mahasiswa Digital Studio College, Angkatan 8?
Silahkan lihat showreelnya dibawah ini:

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfRrNQa-EU8

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Motion Graphics - Grand Opening "Cre8ive Force"





(design, animation & filmmaking)

Plaza eX, 25-27 April 2008

Bagi Teman-teman yang tidak sempat hadir pada saat Acara ini, silahkan melihat motion graphic yang diputar pada saat Grand Opening Exhibition, Jum'at, 25 April 2008.

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrsSaXn7QfA

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Selasa, 29 April 2008

DSCollege Graduation 26 April 2008 @ F-Bar eX

Cre8ive Force showing off!

This is the celebration of the year! Our Design, Animation and Filmmaking has graduated. And ready to enter the industry.

Bernhard Subiakto from Octovate sharing his experience in creative industry, creating some of the best works including campaign for Gudang Garam TV Commercial and Visit Indonesia Year 2008.

Bernhard Subiakto from Octovate Group is invited. As one of the first Digital Studio College student, he has succeed to lead a creative team that creates a memorable TV Commercial for Gudang Garam as the celebration of Indonesia creativity. His team also creates the logo for Visit Indonesia Year 2008.

His message to all young designer is that design can be placed alongside with other industry as the one that truly rewarding, emotionally and financially. Thanks to Bernhard. Brilliant works!

Dahlia Zinnia Nizar received the Best Lecturer. Again!!??

Tjong Indra awarded with Special Appreciation as a Favourite lecturer.

On behalf of all lecturers, Bima Shaw give the last message for the students.

We give appreciation to the best lecturers in DS College, Dahlia Zinnia Nizar for Digital Design, Rully Rochadi for Digital Animation and Farizhad I Latjuba (Echa) for Digital Filmmaking and Special appreciation goes to Tjong Indra as the favourite lecturer. Bima Shaw represent all lecturers to give his last words to the students.

Then we give appreciation to our best students, Vina Puspita for Digital Design, Benny Kurniawan for Digital Animation and Ferry Arya Seto for Digital Filmmaking

All Digital Design students and faculty posing together.

Digital Animation students posing together with the faculty.

Digital Filmmaking students posing together with the faculty.

Vina Puspita, our Digital Design best student.

Ferry Arya Seto, Our best Digital Filmmaking students give speech to his parents, friends and lecturers.

Student parent give thanks to all lecturers and academic team at DSCollege.

After a wonderful moment to take pictures together, we close our event with portfolio showcase and pray to the graduates and Digital Studio College.

We pray together for DSCollege and our students future.

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Cre8ive Force Opening Night

The Cre8ive Force poster alongside with portfolio exhibition on design, animation, filmmaking.

Bima Shaw as DS lecturer enjoying the exhibition.

Motion graphic of student's works on display.

Richard Mengko (Advisor to the Ministry of Research and Technology) sharing an insight on creative industry.

Mark Marcin (Industrial Light and Magic) and Aamir Ghani (Lucasfilm) enjoying the animation portfolio.

Andi, Amy Quek(Lucasfilm), Bernhard (Octovate) and Shinta (Bubu)

It's been a busy day. Cause it's our student graduation show! The Cre8ive Force Exhibiton. The students and the College team has been working all night to prepare this wonderful evening. Salute to all of the team!

The guests starting to come at 6 pm and we start at 7 pm. Shinta and Agung from Bubu, Bernhard from Octovate, Dina and Hesti from Atomz, Edi Taslim from Kompas Cybermedia, Jerry Aurum, Caroline from FDGI, Danu from Binus, Ellen from Matahari Timezone are among the guests. Thanks for visiting us guys!

We are honored to have Mr. Richard Mengko as the Advisor for Ministry of Research & Technology to open our exhibition. And out of ordinary, we also have Amy Quek and Aamir Ghani from Lucasfilm Animation (Singapore) and Mark Marcin from Industrial Light and Magic (San Francisco) coming to our exhibition. They have a wonderful evening getting to know the industry players in Indonesia and an opportunity to see the new generation of creative force!

The exhibition is still open until Sunday, April 27 at Plaza eX, Center Lobby. Enjoy!

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Digital Studio College Profile

Digital Studio College profile presentation is featured on Slideshare.net.

Digital Studio College is the leading creative communication school in Indonesia. Most of our students recruited by local and international companies.

More information on Digital Studio College website.(www.digitalstudiocollege.com)

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Jumat, 28 Maret 2008

Modeling - Harley Davidson

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Modeling.
Title : Harley Davidson

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyyDPtxpkUc

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Modeling - Harley Davidson

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Modeling.
Title : Harley Davidson

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtY-ZbLQC-4

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Short Movie - Transform

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Short Movie.
Title : Transform

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIrQgyH1z04

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Modeling - Harley Davidson

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Modeling.
Title : Harley Davidson

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uePsLaOUW0I

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Short Movie - Maju Mundur

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Short Movie.
Title : Maju Mundur

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7Qz644BFdY

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Rabu, 26 Maret 2008

Phillipine Animation Industry

Posted by Andi S. Boediman at Tuesday, March 25, 2008

an interview by Caleb Cheong
ACM SIGGRAPH Singapore Chapter
Chair for Industry Relations
E: 3D@cavad.com
F: +65 6312 5705(Siggraph Singapore chapter)

to Grace Dimaranan
Animation Council


CC: Dear Grace, Dear Avic,

Thank you for your fast reply. I would sincerely appreciate more information regarding Animation / Game Development companies in the Philippines. I have many questions such as:

* How many large companies are there? Meaning 100 staff & above. Are they locally grown or branches of overseas companies such as Disney? How many years have they been operating?
* How many medium sized companies are there? Meaning 50 to 100 staff. Are they locally grown or branches of overseas companies such as Disney? How many years have they been operating?
* How many small companies are there? Meaning 10 to 50 staff.

GD: Animation companies have been operating in the Phils since the 1980's. The animation Industry in the Phils is more than 25 yrs already. For registered companies under the Animation Council, its in the ACPI website. Under ACPI we have 40 companies and we have incoming new members next month. For the whole Philippines, the numbers would be around 70 - 80 companies serving different kinds of animation outputs.

There are local companies in the Phils wherein Disney, Warner Bros, Cartoon network, Studio B, Nelvana, Japanese anime shows are outsourced either as subcontractors, sister companies, satellite studio, partner studio or are involved in co-production ventures.

For estimation purposes ( acpi & non-acpi members ), large companies ( 100 staff & above ) -- 7 companies ( All foreign-owned studios ) ; Medium size companies
( 50-100 staff ) --- 25 companies ( mixture of foreign & local owned studios ) , small companies ( 10-50 staff ) --- 40 companies ( mostly are local owned studios )

CC: What are Philippines animation companies looking for? Are they seeking projects or investments or joint ventures? Are they open to the idea of merging with other companies? I know in Malaysia, quite a few small companies after awhile usually merge together like 5 companies merge into 1 larger company in order to take on bigger projects. What is the view of Philippine business owners to such proposals? Are they open or close minded.

GD: The Philippines animation sector is always open to all kinds of business options in terms of outsourcing, co-productions, investments opportunities to grow the industry. Yes, the industry member studios are helping one another in sharing work/ projects with no fear of competition. We opted to be cooperative in our industry & help one another. In this way, our govt helps support the sector thru promotions, trade fairs, exhibits & conferences. No, the industry is not close minded to other options. We are wary of course of animators/ artists' exodus or recruitment of our animators of other foreign studios ( India , china directors coming in the country to have Filipinos work in their countries. )

CC: Sorry I have so many questions because I have not been to the Philippines before.

GD: You should visit here in Manila ! You will be very surprised of the progress of the country to date & the infrastructure here. Most of the 1st time foreign business people visiting here, usually end up investing in the country due to the magnitude of talent and the proficiency & flexibility of the people. Please contact ACPI should you be visiting so that we can tour you to some of the companies here.

CC: I have traveled to visit Universities & studios in Malaysia, Thailand & Indonesia. I know many of the companies & lecturers in those countries as well as from my own country, Singapore.

What about training in the Philippines? Where do your staff get their training? What scale & level are the schools at? Is there sufficient supply of training institutes & teachers? How many training centres are there in Manila or the other big cities? How does a sincere person wanting to learn 3D get access to training? Please provide me with more details.

GD: We have Universities offering a degree in 3d animation, multimedia & animation courses, we have specialized training centers teaching industry -based 2D, 3D, Flash and very soon game dev courses. We collaborate regionally ( provinces ) to access art schools & universities to teach animation or tweak their curriculum to give way to new industry based teachings & trends. We co-developed a curriculum with TESDA concerning animation so that it will be officially published, disseminated to art & fine arts schools all over the country. These efforts main purpose is to increase awareness in animation & to increase graduates of animation so that they can be hired in the industry.

CC: I value such knowledge as it helps me understand your situation & to gauge the potential opportunities that SIGGRAPH brings. Will a visit by myself to the Philippines benefit the industry? YES, maybe enlighten us more what siggraph can do for our industry / animation sector.

Will I be able to understand the situation better if I were to visit Manila? Can we arrange for regular trips by Singapore Companies to the Philippines?

GD: YES, coordinate with our executive director, Ms Avic Ilagan of any visits intended for the industry.

The ACM SIGGRAPH Singapore Chapter is a not for profit organization run by volunteers.

Mr Caleb Cheong is Exhibitions Chair for SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008.

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Classical Animation

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Classical Animation.

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J76cSlaI_9c

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Selasa, 18 Maret 2008

Short Movie - Nitro

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Short Movie.
Title : Nitro.

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAZwe0AsOb4

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Short Movie - Karma

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Short Movie.
Title : Karma.

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMm_8q-iMJI

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Short Movie - Balada si Duit Ceban

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Short Movie.
Title : Balada si Duit Ceban.

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjhLmviK7j4

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Short Movie - Hope

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Short Movie.
Title : Hope

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYNHIPq2OE4

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Modeling - Motorcycle

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Modeling.
Title : Motorcycle.

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NsoQMvFSkk

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TV Commercial - Primoxp

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang TV Commercial.
Title : Primoxp

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fPxki1HT34

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TV Commercial - Epicsson

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang TV Commercial.
Title : Epicsson

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcSBVLocQnQ

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TV Commercial - Zoppo

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang TV Commercial.
Title : Zoppo

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT8dNnfEc3I

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Modeling - Motorcycle

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Modeling.
Title : Motorcycle

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Eyx1yC8weg

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Modeling - Motorcycle

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Modeling.
Title : Motorcycle

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9dlDXqxuho

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Short Movie - Petwars

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Short Movie.
Title : Petwars

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1SxisjBmJc

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Short Movie - Si Ujang

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Short Movie.
Title : Si Ujang

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM2aD1vnbTQ

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Short Movie - Nightmare

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Short Movie.
Title : Nightmare

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87vI33VPFcA

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Motion Graphics - Aerosol

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Motion Graphics.
Title : Aerosol

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQOYriw8hLE

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Video Clip - Anak Gembala

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Video Clip.
Title : Anak Gembala

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yRd7XagjlE

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TV Commercial - ESPN

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang
TV Commercial.
Title : TV Commercial - ESPN

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5pryyJVgws

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Visualization - Reebok

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Visualization
Title : Reebok

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkC6lSg5i48

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Visualization - Converse

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Visualization
Title : The Shoes - Converse

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCxGfk8lwZM

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Stop Motion - Bornimago

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Stop Motion.
Title : Bornimago

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71pcC7_YCNk

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PSA - Save Our Natur

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Public Service Advertisement.
Title : Save Our Natur

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J32xWDFJw3Q

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PSA - Penyakit Masyarakat

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Public Service Advertisement.
Title : Penyakit Masyarakat

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmxYyJwXiTk

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Stop Motion - Catur

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Stop Motion.
Title : Catur

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WouYwoHUwt4

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Stop Motion - Toilet

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Stop Motion.
Title : Toilet

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiWGm4kBwfQ

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Stop Motion - Nickelodeon

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Stop Motion.
Title : Nickelodeon

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKosV1SowGw

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Short movie - Don't Worry Be Happy

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Short movie.
Title : Don't Worry Be Happy

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnUmjFQPzVM

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TV Commercial - Panasonic

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Television Video Commercial
Title : TVC - Panasonic

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YET1Er5Sf3Q

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Short movie - A Perfect Day To Shoot

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Short movie.
Title : A Perfect Day To Shoot

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARuNXyNFB5M

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Video Clip - Bermain Musik

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Video klip.
Title : Bermain Musik

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ydl-ly2Dxs8

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Short movie - Drunken Master

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Short movie.
Title : Drunken Master

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aVuNDtps7c

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Short movie - Hanzo

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Short movie.
Title : Hanzo

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpVIJKmSo7E

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Stop Motion - Ride a Car

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Stop Motion.
Title : Ride a Car

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvoCTG7umRA

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Stop Motion - Butterfly

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Stop Motion.
Title : Butterfly

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-uDeG0J1QM

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Character Animation - Hai Noon

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Character Animation.
Title : Hai Noon

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZQPlu5PooE

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Character Animation - Red Devil

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Animation tentang Character Animation.
Title : Red Devil

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyszw5hdl0o

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Motion Graphics - MTV

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Motion Graphics. Mahasiswa membuat tugas untuk membuat opening program TV.
Title : MTV

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3L37YitfsQ

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TV Commercial - Close Op

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Television Video Commercial. Mahasiswa membuat tugas untuk membuat TVC suatu produk.
Title : Close Op

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfrC421fE-g

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Architecture Visualization - Kofi

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Visualisasi Arsitektur.
Title: Kofi

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neEML1-uUW4

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Motion Graphics - Q Channel

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Motion Graphics.
Title : Q Channel

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T6qAw6NTMA

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Character Animation - Till Death Do Us Part

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Character Animation.
Title : Till Death Do Us Part

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uBowFYswa4

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TV Commercial - Prostone

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Television Video Commercial
Title : TVC - Prostone

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5GuvdlQnbE

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TV Commercial - Kit Ket

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Television Video Commercial
Title : TVC - Kit Ket

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GX_nfjG7L0

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Visualization - Ferrari

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Visualization.
Title: Ferrari

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGtfFNthwa8

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Visualization Game - Need For Speed Underground

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Visualization Game
Title : Need For Speed Underground

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEVUTDQxd_k

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TV Commercial - Alkaline

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Television Video Commercial
Title : TVC - Alkaline

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO4t1yPKfxc

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TV Commercial - Lampu Phillips

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Television Video Commercial
Title : TVC - Lampu Phillips

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTV8C8ADVxI

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TV Commercial - Djarum Super

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Television Video Commercial
Title : TVC - Djarum Super

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-SNRrW9NHY

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Video Clip - Save The Earth

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Video Clip.
Title : Save The Earth

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvBSmeXm_Fw

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Motion Graphics - MTV Fashion Award

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Motion Graphics.
Title : MTV Fashion Award

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fyWtHaE-nY

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Visualization - The Shoes - Reebok

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Visualization
Title : The Shoes - Reebok

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wozYfjKOXvE

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Visual Effects - Love In Misery

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Visual Effects.
Title: Love In Misery

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdVp0AEA6Z4

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Video Clip - Sun And Moon

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Video Clip.
Title : Sun And Moon

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYe9wYnrjaU

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Visual Effects - Indiana Jones

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Visual Effects.
Title: Indiana Jones

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky1FT0Q7Y_Y

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Visualization - Mazda RX8

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Visualization.
Title: Mazda RX8

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JatYKVsX9i8

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Visualization - Mazda RX8

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Visualization.
Title: Mazda RX8

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhBon_EAOtg

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Visualization Architecture - Ackerberg House

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Visualization Architecture.
Title: Ackerberg House

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-O8TqqderE

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Character Animation - Romawi

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Character Animation.
Title : Romawi

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wP2VD73OZeM

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Motion Graphics - Opening DSC

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Motion Graphics.
Title : Opening DSC

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntvzAqi3OHI

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Visualization - The Robot

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Visualization.
Title : The Robot

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giojMExMbPY

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TV Commercial - Nike

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Television Video Commercial
Title : TVC - Nike

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChJJlLA3XVc

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TV Commercial - Walkman

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Television Video Commercial
Title : TVC - Walkman

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbm2p20LZ9k

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Visualization - The Shoes - Adidas

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Visualization
Title : The Shoes - Adidas

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10BCjiQSvIc

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Visualization - The Stingray

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Visualization
Title : Vehicle - The Stingray

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMWG1UlLWAA

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Character Animation - The Xman

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Character Animation.
Title: The Xman

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC8hR4pCBFs

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Character Animation - The Monster

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College tentang Character Animation
Title : The Monster

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6SAdvqOVTg

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Architecture Visualization - Oceania House

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Architecture Visualization.
Title: Oceania House

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-c_k3uetu0

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Visual Effects - Unreturned

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Visual Effects.
Title : Unreturned

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdlWMEe889o

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PSA - Hemat Air

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Public Service Advertisement.
Title : Hemat Air

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1HjJM3dhPM

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PSA - Stop Kekerasan Terhadap Anak

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Public Service Advertisement.
Title : Stop Kekerasan Terhadap Anak

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW0Oaa2B3kg

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Classical Animation - Save Our Planet

Portfolio Mahasiswa Digital Studio College
tentang Classical Animation.
Title : Save Our Planet

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THa35FTB2hA

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TV Commercial - Digital Studio

TV Commercial tentang Digital Studio
(Title: Digital Studio)

URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NsoQMvFSkk

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Kamis, 13 Maret 2008

Welcome to Digital Studio College!!

Hi Guys...

Selamat datang di blog Digital Studio College!
Buat yang belum pernah tahu, Digital Studio College adalah
'School of Visual Communication' dengan jurusan: Design - Animation - Film Making
Di sini para blogger; kel. besar Digital Studio, praktisi / pemerhati Visual Communication / Computer Graphics, atau yang sekedar ingin tahu,bisa sharing & diskusi, atau malah nampangin :-) project / karya Design / Animation / Film kamu, ataupun sekedar berbagi tips & informasi lainnya.

Yang pasti, lewat blog ini, kita semua makin ok & kaya wawasan.

Have a nice blogging!!

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Sharing Pengalaman dari Alumni DSC

Vina Puspita alumnus Digital Design angkatan VIII, mensharingkan pengalamannya setelah lulus dari DS.

Berikut ini sharing pengalamannya:

I'm so glad n happy,,n so much thx God for everything,,,
actually magz is one of my dream (my junior high school dream,,hehe)..'till i studied in DS, n found a lots of things i could do in design,,i mean, ngga cuma majalah,,tapi ada branding,,retail, advrtising,, etc,,,which is bnyk jurusan yg bs d tekunin,,

n now,,surprisingly,,i'm landed on magazine world,,haha,,before,,i n pieta are working as designers (just 2 of us) for " B'GIRL!" magazine, it's still 1 group with aneka Yes!, but b'girl! is more young, more teen, n girly (n the target is B+ to A), n i'll share my (new)experience,,hooo

actually,, i'm so happy could work with pie too,,hehe,,mempermudah masa adaptasi,,hehe,,coz we both hv known each other, n each characters,,

for me,work in magazine is fun n interesting,,its so close with entertaint life,,full of update things,,n our job (as designers) actually not as bored as people think,, becoz,,besides fighting n strugling with deadline (hihiii).. i also help n handle the
photo session (for the composition, balance, n the art of a photo), then, sometimes we take care of models n directing them for photo session,,hee,,, thats why
it's not getting so bored, n learn so much...

trus, jg jd suka ketemu artis,,suka foto'' artis,,dan sekitarnya,,hehe..
the dark side of magazine world,hemm,

we are so competitive with other magz,,then we
have to be innovative,,finding something new for our

but,,i'm happy b'coz technically, our skill of those
'adobe' program that we got from DS is very useful n
it works,, ^ ^
thx to the teachers,,

that's my experiencee,,,hehehe

i'll tell the updates!!

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Sharing Pengalaman dari Alumni DSC

Kelvin Wenas alumnus Digital Design angkatan VII, mensharingkan pengalamannya setelah satu tahun lulus dari DS. Bekerja di Jakarta dan sekarang lompat ke Spore.

Berikut ini sharing pengalamannya:

kemaren kan terakhir kerja di batavianet, begitu 1 taon kerja saya keluar bu, sekarang keterima di perushaan di singapore XD jadi tinggal di sini, sama sambilan nunggu Employment passnya keluar.

yang di bawah ini bisa buat kasih tau ke anak2 digital studio lainnya.
uits, gw anak digital studio college angkatan 7, dari sekian banyaknya mata kuliah gw cenderung masuk ke Multimedia, sekarang gw diterima di perusahaan di singapore (tinggal nunggu S pass keluar doang, tgl 25 Februari mulai masuk kerja) ini sebagian sharing buat yang kira kira mau kerja di singapore.

cari kerja di www.jobsdb.com, www.monster.com.sg, jobstreet, etc etc lah, kalo bisa apply kerja sebelom jalan ke sono, dan biarin itu kontak cuman ada di email, jadi kalo dia minta interview atau apa, dari panggilan pertama baru jalan ke singapore, buat lebih detail bisa email gw sih kalo mao.
sebenernya kendala utama cari kerja di singapore rata rata itu :

-"Only Singaporean/ PR and Malaysians may apply."
ini kata-kata yang paling sering keliatan pas apply work dari luar, sebagian ga cantumin tapi tetep ada ginian, jadinya kalo ga diproses ato dikontak tandanya ini dah ga lewat deh, kalo lu banyak duit, apply PR dulu, lebih gampang dapet kerjanya, soalnya disini sistem slot, setiap X orang singaporean cuman boleh ada 1 foreigner (diluar PR kayaknya)

-"Bilingual in English & Mandarin"
walaupun ga terlalu sering keluar tapi ini sesekali jadi kendala juga, karena rata2 orang indonesia ga bisa mandarin.

-"Qualification - Diploma "
ini yang paling menguntungkan buat anak2 Digital Studio college XD, 95% perusahaan yg gw liat ga pernah nyebut "Degree" dan lebih memilih "Work Experience"

-"work experience"
yaah ini sih sisanya, kalo kerja di satu bidang terus dan apply ke bidang yang sama, karena biasanya portfolio makin bagus jadinya gampang keterima kerja, gw pernah apply juga kok ke yang work experience perlu 2 taon sementara gw baru kerja 1 taon karena merasa portfolio bagus wkwkwkwk. jadi spesialisasi diperlukan

selain work experience dia orang sangat menghargai "Porftolio", pas dateng interview boro boro gw bawa ijasah, sertifikat digital studio ato yg adobe punya, dateng cuman bawa badan, flashdisk 1, sama dompet, pulang bawa employment pass application form buat ngurus ijin kerja di singapore wkwkwkwk.

buat yang mau masuk bidang multimedia juga, kalo flash jangan lupa belajarin ActionScript, flash tiap seri makin lama makin canggih, kayak flash CS3 bisa import dari psd langsung, actionscript dipake banget soalnya biar bisa bikin flash application gitu ga cuman flash animation

kalo actionscript dah jago, buat multimedia belajarin 3d juga biar ga terbatas pada 2d doang.

kalau itu udah jago juga, dan mau lebih jago lagi kalo bisa belajarin ASP ato ASP.NET (tapi ini mata kuliahnya anak IT ato SI, jadinya ga gitu perlu, tapi kalo bisa belajarin juga) soalnya kerjaan sini banyak yg perlu itu juga.

tadinya gw mau kul di raffles tapi dah dapet kerja gw postpone deh itu kul, cari duid dulu, kemahalan sih raffles (gile goceng $sing bo per beberapa bulan). gw dah liat hasil kerja anak anak "bachelor raffles" (temen gw kul di sono dan dia dapet buku taonannya jg) wah, kurang lebih kayak anak2 digital studio punya, banyak sih yang kreatif juga, tp banyak yg jelek juga, setelah pernah kerja, yang keliatan dari sebagian anak-anak raffles punya portfolio itu "mentah".

misalnya gw ada liat orang bikin website macam portal gitu, tapi rata2 cuman tau design, Ok pengaturan design sama bentuknya udah bisa dipakai di dunia kerja, tapi rata2 ga tau informasi apa yang harus ditampilkan pada website portal, kenapanya, iklan sebaiknya dimana, dimana efisiennya, jadi kalo browsing jangan cuman liat bentuk websitenya, tapi informasi apa ditampilin di mana dan pikir kenapa nya juga.

dan seperti anak digital studio college lainnya, sangat banyak projek idealis yang membuat kita merasa "ini gueh banget geto looh" yaah macem2 berantakan tapi secara design keliatan bagus dan mungkin sangat mencerminkan diri tiap orang, dimana saat kerja boro boro gw bisa bikin yang begituan, toh dikasihnya project corporate2 doang, paling maksimal juga design iklan buat otomotif yg bisa rada keren2an.

tapi yaah itu projek kalian, kalo mau bikin projek idealis, kapan lagi, kalo dunia kerja ga dapet gituan, biarlah pas kuliah bikin gituan. yang penting ngerti gimana bikinnya

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